Chuii Tetraselmis

Chuii Tetraselmis.

green Group Alga ( This Chlorophyceae) have important role also for natural food [of] prawn larva. Species of this group [is] to have single cell [to] and have flagella and also contain many green pigment ( khlorophil), so that if seen in under visible microscope [of] green chromatic with khioroplast plastida. Its pigment consist of two kinds of, that is; a khiorophil and of khiorophil b, and also a few/little other pigment that is caroten, and xanthophyl of carotenoid red. Core of small fairish and stand-out cell, pregnant cell wall [of] cellulose materials and of pektosa. This group [of] cosmopolitan life and easy to live with to change of environment.

Its reproduction happened by vegetatif sexual and aseksual. [At] reproduction of aseksual, happened bisection of protoplasm from 2, 4, 8 and so on in the form of zoospora after provided with 4 of flagella. [At] sexual reproduction, each;every cell have gamet which [is] identik ( isogami) which later;then degrade new zygote and followed with growth of perfect zygote.
sumber : Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna