Enlargement of channel catfish in the pond tarp

Enlargement of channel catfish in the pond tarp

Catfish are freshwater fish that are common in public waters such as rivers, swamps, reservoirs, and other puddle. Catfish body shape is gilig (cylindrical) elongated, tapered flat head, and near the mouth covered with 4 pairs of elongated rigid whiskers. Catfish skin smooth, not scaly, and the color black. fish, including catfish, which easily cultivated anywhere, can live at an altitude of more than 1,000 m above sea level with temperature conditions of 20-32 ° C, pH 6,5-8, and 3 ppm oxygen content.

There are three types of catfish that used to be cultivated, including catfish local (Clarias botrocus), catfish dumbo (Clariosgoriepinus), and catfish sangkuriang. Catfish sangkuriang an improvement strains of catfish dumbo, the results of crossbreeding of batik from catfish dumbo derived from F2 (the descendants of the two) dams catfish dumbo with F6 (descendants of the six) male parental catfish dumbo.

fish Catfish dumbo is a type of catfish that have rapid growth, within 10-12 months of weight can reach 200-300 g. While local catfish growth was quite slow, for example, in the same time a new local catfish long as 20 cm with a weight of 150-200 grams.

Rearing catfish cultivation, from seeds to the size usually tersegmen consumption, which is based on the length of the body, such as 1-3 cm, 3-5 cm, 5-8 cm, 8-12 cm, to measure consumption is calculated by using weight like 6 tails per kg, 8 fish per kg, or 10 fish per kg.

1. Spreading seeds
Density stocking of which is often done by catfish farmers in the pool tarp around 100-300 fish per m2 with seed size 5-7 cm. Farming is done until the harvest or after reaching the size catfish consumption, which contains 8-12 fish per kg with long maintenance of about 2,5-3 months.
When the seeds are still rather small catfish, seed selection should be based catfish grade / level. selection is ideally performed every 10-15 days. This is done by the following considerations.

a. To avoid the occurrence of food seized each other so that the smaller catfish to be difficult to get the feed.
b. To avoid cannibalism among the larger catfish on a smaller catfish.
c. Balancing the growth of catfish because catfish are greedy, so the remaining feed from the feed portion size catfish will eat smaller larger catfish. In addition, this gluttony can cause abdominal swelling suffered catfish.
d. Saves given pellets and reduce pollution because the rest of the pool feed.

2. Feeding
The feed given to the seed catfish, ranging from the larvae (after starting to eat) until the age of at least two weeks to eat natural food of protozoa and zooplankton (Daphnia and moina). Catfish farmers in the pool tarpaulin used to provide feed silk worms as a natural food easily available and good nutritious. Furthermore,

catfish seeds can be given artificial feed pellets with a small size until the size of the pellets were adjusted to the size of the mouth of catfish. When the catfish was growing up, farmers used to feed a chicken carcass that had been burned or boiled, chopped snails / slugs, the remaining household waste, or feed ingredient itself in the form of pellets. The aim is to save costs for feed.

3. Treatment
Catfish, including fish species that can survive in water that is less good condition with a high density. This is because the catfish has a respirator alai labyrinth can be used to take oxygen directly from air. Therefore, many farmers are sowing catfish catfish with a high density to medium reddish water. In fact, there are some farmers who apply catfish cultivation without changing the water at all and only add water when the water conditions decreased the media.
Another case when the environmental conditions less favorable cultivation, for example in areas cold enough air temperature, water level should not be too high media-treatment is especially applicable when the catfish are still
smaller because the water is too high media can make a small catfish lost a lot of energy to swim, ie when the uptake of oxygen in the air. This certainly can affect the speed of its growth.

Controlling water also needs to be done when the rainy season, especially when the pond outside the tarp. Rain water entering the water can make the media environment becomes acidic and dangerous enough catfish. However, to maintain the health condition can catfish krosok scattered salt or table salt.
source: Cahyo Saparinto, PenebarSwadaya, 2009

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