fish disease - Ciliate

fish disease

A.2. Ciliate

Parasites are usually moved by using vibrating hairs (cilia). Parasites are usually infects the skin, fins and gills of fish. As for some diseases caused by the ciliate include

1. lchthyophthiriasis
The reason is lchthyophthirius multifiliis. The disease is often called white spots disease in accordance with the resulting clinical symptoms. Types of fish that can be infected by this disease is almost all types of freshwater fish. including ornamental fish. The size of many fish are fish infected seeds or if the adult size Mas fish will be infected. Clinical symptoms are easily observed with the white spots on the infected body part. infected fish rubbed his body on the bottom / wall of the container cultivation.

Fish seen gasping for air, especially when the parasite infects the gills. In such circumstances the death of the fish will usually high, because the fish susceptible to interference due to absorption of oxygen from fish gills infected.

Prevention of this disease among others
- Use of water quality balk
- The equipment used should be disinfected prior
- Keep the water temperature at the level of 28 ° C.

Treatment of infected fish can be done in a way: soaking fish infected with a mixture of 25 ppm formalin for 24 hours. Move the fish into the water with a temperature of 28 ° C will help these parasites knocked out.

Causes are: Trichodina sp and Trichodinella sp. Trichodina sp. infects the skin and fins gills, while Trichodinella sp. Infect the gills of fish. But the situation

Trichodina infection was so severe that we can meet infect gills. These parasites infect nearly all types of fish both freshwater fish or saltwater fish, especially in the seed stage. Clinical symptoms of infected fish is a fish is weak, the body color is not bright / dull, and often rubbed his body on the wall or bottom of the pool. Water quality is not good, especially low oxygen content, density of fish that are too high to support the emergence of the disease.

Transmission of this disease can be through water or direct contact with infected fish. Disease prevention can be done by way of improvement of water Mutua, and reduce the density of fish. Treatment for the infected fish can be done by soaking the fish in 40 ppm solution of formality for 12-24 hours.

3. Tetrahymena sp.
The disease is primarily in ornamental fish and catfish in the early stages of life (seeds), and is a facultative parasites found only in fresh water. There on the skin and fins, but are sometimes found in the gills. Clinical symptoms can be observed is rather dull color of fish, fish movements slow, and if this parasite infects the gills of the fish will be seen gasping for air. Conditions that trigger this parasitic infection is poor water quality and fish density is too high.

Prevention: the improvement of water quality and the environment and reduce the density of fish. Drugs that can be used to treat the infected fish is the same as those used to treat disease Ichthyophthiriasis.

4. Epistylis spp.
This parasite is a common parasite found in Southeast Asia. Infected fish, especially freshwater fish such as catfish, carp, gurame, Tawes fish and generally are found in freshwater fish. Clinical symptoms: lean fish, eat, breath visible mengap advance if these parasites infect the gill cover. Can cause mass death in a nursing seedlings when aggravated by environmental conditions, occurs mainly in fish seed. Prevention: improvement of water quality, hygiene and subtracting the container density cultivation.

Treatment for the infected fish among others can use the drugs normally used to eradicate infectious diseases caused by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis.

5. Oodinium sp.
This parasite has a typical structure of a bulge that resembles cytoplasam roots, which serves as a pasting. Cytoplasmanya looks like foam that is equipped with a small partikei (granule). Essentially oval or sperical. At this stage the parasite does not have many flagella and do not swim. This parasite infects primarily freshwater fish and other freshwater fish. While contained in sea water fish is Amyloodinium sp.

Fish can be deadly within a
brief without showing clinical symptoms typical. Parasites can infect the skin, fins, gills, mouth and even eyes. Clinical symptoms include: bleeding in fish skin mat therefore the disease is known as Hama "velvet disease". If the parasites infect the gills of the fish will be seen gasping for air.

Prevention: controlling the entry of water include the use of filters, and carry out acts of quarantine for new fish coming for at least 14 days. Eradication of these parasites can be done by placing the infected fish at a temperature of 24-27 ° C in the dark state. NaCI at a dose of 30,000 ppm by immersion for 5-15 minutes can eliminate these parasites. Acriflavin at 0.2-0.4 ppm concentration for long-term submersion. For sp Amyloodinium eradication can be done by soaking the fish in fresh water.

6. Chilodonella spp.

Chilodonella spp. Much has been reported from Malaysia, and Indonesia Pilippina. Infect freshwater fish, especially lelean catfish, gurame and infect 50 species of ornamental fish. This parasite infects the skin, fins and gills of fish and sometimes in large numbers. Factors that support this parasitic infection is low temperatures that helped the less good is the condition of fish. These parasites attached to the host's body with the help of vibrating hairs (cilia) that are on the ventral part of the body.

While its movement is supported by a row of hairs on his body shakes. Clinical symptoms: the infected fish showed the irritating symptoms of movement, jumping surface water, does not react to stimuli and the stimulus fish will eventually weak. Fish mucus-covered blue-gray.

When it infects the gills have gill hyperplasia, so the fish will be seen gasping for air. Prevention: keeping condition / sepaya water quality remains good, minimizing the content of organic materials, and subtracting the density of fish. Treatment can be done by using a drug commonly used to Ichthyophthirius multifiliis.

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