FISH Nila Nirwana

FISH Nila Nirwana
(Management and Selection Process)

Nila fish in West Java is the introduction of fish that come from the first time in Taiwan. 1969 (Hardjamulia & Djajadireja 1977).

Nila shipped. Hybrid (mix of T. nilotica and T. mossambica) from Taiwan. Nila. Appear in red. 1981
introduced from the Philippines. Then in the year 1988 - 1989 Parent Stock shipped Nila Chitralada from Thailand, but not developed.

Nila GIFT fish is a new variety of fish species that Nila was developed by ICLARAM in the Philippines. Nila GIFT fish is introduced from the Philippines. 1995 - 1997. On. 2002 BPBI Wanayasa obtain family Nila Fish GET (Genetically Enhanched of Tilapia). GET Nila fish are introduced from the Philippines by the Fisheries Office at West Java Province through the BFAR (Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Research).

Since first shipped, since it also. Nila Fish cultivation. started. Nila Fish capability in adapting to new environment makes this easy fish spread and become excellent in the cultivation of water, especially fresh water.

Nila is the distribution of fish very quickly supported the new kecepat reproduce the development of the fish is not controlled. Negative impact is that many occur in the cross (inbreeding), which result in decreased genetic quality of fish, will cause further decline in the performance of the fish is good growth, resistance to disease, and the ability to adapt to environmental changes.

To decrease the genetic quality of fish is Nila, Ariyanto (2004) states there any steps that can be implemented is implementing the program with the objective end pemuliaan get lkan parent Nila winner. Excellence is expected to be inherited in the offspring, resulting in superior seed (high quality). One such alternative program improvement in the parent program is through superior selection arrest (Selective breeding).

FISH Nirwana Nila (Nila Wanayasa Ras)

Efforts that lead to the selective Fish penangkaran Nila has been started by the Central Development Fish seed (BPBI) West Java Province is located in the Wanayasa to collect 18 Nila Fish family. GIFT generation-6 and 24 family Nila Fish GET from the Philippines. Then in 2003, BPBI Wanayasa do with the cooperation. fisheries experts from the Expert Team Tilapia Broodstock Center, to prepare and implement management and program selection Nila Fish with the aim to maintain or even improve its quality.

Source of genetic selection is a GIFT (Genetic Improvement for Farmed Tilapia) and GET (Genetically Enhanched Tilapia). Currently in production during the period of three (3) years, have gained BPBI Wanayasa genus (Great Grand Parent Stock / GGPS), which is named Nila Fish Nirwana. (Nila. Ras Wanayasa) that, the provision and dissemination supervised by the government.

Activities undertaken in the selection of seed Fish Center (BPBI) Wanayasa, Purwakarta Regency, West Java Province. Implementation of kin selection to begin on sunday 3-month in July 2003 and still held up with at this time.


Penangkaran selective program that is implemented family selection "(Figure 1), refer to the SPO Nila Fish pemuliaan issued by the Center for Parent National Fish Nila (PPIIN) 2004 in accordance with the modified field conditions.

Phases of activity for each generation is done with the work as follows:

1. Setting up of a number of families who have a collection;

2. Up condition Nila Fish are to be to be able to memijah simultaneously;

3. breeding as many as five (5) Up to attach their salty relatives of the new crossing;

4. Observed periodically to mark the pair-pair memijah

5. Pair of fish seed from each family that memijah on the same day and merged taken randomly of 500 chickens kept for further;

6. maintenance is done on fish seed hapa measuring 5 x 2 x 1.5 M3 in swimming can be distinguished between the male and female in Morfologis (age 4 months);

7. Fish groups and male groups Nila Nila Fish Betina be pondered and measured (standard length, height and body length of the head) one by one.;

8. Later. elected female head 10 largest and 10 largest male tails than and Tagging and recording is done

9. Each family kept a selection of separately between male and female breeding until ready to form the next generation.

Up to now in operation during the period of three (3) years, three generations have been obtained Master (F1, F2 and F3). With the details of the number of families, as follows:
• F1 produce 33 families;
• F2 produce 34 families;
• F3 produce 44 families;

A. Development Plan.
Resume activities until the selection process. can produce lnduk Nila Nirwana the next generation.

B. Production Plan.
Reproduce and distribute. derivative Induk Nila Nirwana to farmers / UPR.

Fish Penjenis (GGPS) from Fish Nirwana Nila (Nila Ras Wanayasa) will be achieved in the generation-3 or about 3 years since the beginning of 2004. During the process, the fish are kept in controlled, sufficient feed and a low density so that the characteristics genetik caan tereksploitasi.

Periodically the fish are in the process of selection is monitored and morphology morfometriknya. Genetic Gain of each generation. comparison with the measured rate and population control (Figure 2).

Fish will then be present or Nirwana Nila Nila Wanayasa Ras-1, Wanayasa-2 dstnya which is the genetic improvement of the previous generation.

Program arrest selective Nila Fish Wanayasa this is done entirely by staff BPBI-skilled staff with the assistance of the expert "Tilapia Broodstock Center".

source: Fisheries Department of West Java, 2008